Job Board
High quality software job posts on our community organized job board.
The Code & Supply community is thousands strong and we have gathered the best and brightest software minds under one umbrella. We've created this job board to help provide our members with high quality software job posts relevant to their interests.
Jobs posted here will be visible for a few months and will be automatically shared in our
chat communities via #job-board
in Slack and Discord
our Mastodon/fediverse account
We'll also share them in our ~monthly jobs newsletter and at in person events.
Our broad network ensures that each job will get attention from our members.
You may qualify to post for free.
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Share your success story with us at!
- I was delighted that we found our latest software engineer through the Code & Supply Job Board. As a long time member of Code & Supply myself, I know it has a great community of software professionals and was very happy that the job board worked so well! Ron Lunde Director of Engineering
- I found my latest job through the Code & Supply job board and am loving it. I'm so thankful for the community Code & Supply provides. Through the years, I've found coworkers, clients, and employers, and it's given me a space to easily stay in contact with people. No matter your degree of technical ability it is a wonderful and supportive space to build community and find great people to work with. Zac Littleberry
Free job posts
C&S loves to uplift organizations of the kind we want to see more of in the world. If your organization fits one or more of the follow criteria, you may qualify to post jobs here for free.
- Non-profit under $1,000,000/yr revenue. Include US IRS 501(c) non-profit determination letter and copies of or links to latest Form 990/990EZ/990N for verification.
- For-profit companies with fewer than six software professional employees (e.g. developers, designers, sysadmins, etc.)
- Exhibiting sponsor of any C&S conference in the last two years
Email to inquire.
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