Our conference brands
Our conferences build unique experiences within a designated theme and draw an international audience.

Multidisciplinary conference for everyone involved in the production of software
2016, 2019

Intimate conference focusing on mental health, community building, and career management for software professionals
2018, 2020
While not Code & Supply-owned brands, C&S provided significant organizational or financial support for Steel City Ruby Conference and devopsdays Pittsburgh.
Upcoming Code & Supply Conferences
We're excited to share with you our list of upcoming major events. Stay tuned for details about our lineups and schedules.
To sponsor any or all of these events, including early-bird and package discounts, contact sponsorship@codeandsupply.co.
None currently planned for 2H 2020 or CY 2021.
Past Code & Supply Conferences
Check out our past events to get a feel for the atmosphere of C&S conferences.
Heartifacts 2020
- @HeartifactsConf
- #heartifacts
- https://heartifacts.codeandsupply.co/
- August 2020
- Streamed online because of COVID-19 pandemic
- Attendee-limited breakout sessions
- 128 Heartifacts Interactive participants, more than 200 stream viewers
- Mental Health, Workplace Communication, and Community
- Single Track
- Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Heartifacts 2020 was an intimate and important conference that empowered software professionals to learn about ways to improve themselves through mental health awareness, communication techniques, career management, and community involvement.
Heartfacts featured a mix of invited presenters and community submitted sessions.
Abstractions II
- http://abstractions.io
- @abstractionscon
- #abstractionscon
- @abstractionscon
- #abstractionscon
- @abstractionscon
- August 21–23, 2019
- ~1,300 attendees
- Multidisciplinary
- Multi-track
- Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Abstractions brings together everyone involved in modern software development — designers, developers, DevOps, and community leaders — to teach, learn, and connect.
Featuring headliners that have changed the industry and several stages for valuable and entertaining talks from our community, Abstractions II is sure to be a major impact on the careers and lives of its attendees.
- @HeartifactsConf
- #heartifacts
- https://2018.heartifacts.codeandsupply.co/
- April 20–21, 2018
- 100 attendees
- Mental Health, Workplace Communication, and Community
- Single Track
- Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Heartifacts will be an intimate and important conference that will empower software professionals to learn about ways to improve themselves through mental health awareness, communication techniques, and community involvement.
Heartfacts will feature a mix of invited presenters and community submitted sessions.
- @UptimeConf
- #UptimeConf
- http://uptime.events
- August 24–25, 2017
- 297 attendees
- DevOps & Systems Programming
- Single Track
- Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Uptime will be a single track conference focusing on skills and technologies that improve software delivery and infrastructure management.
Featuring a hand-picked lineup of presenters that we think best emphasize the values and ideas that will move our community forward.
- http://abstractions.io
- @abstractionscon
- #abstractionscon
- @abstractionscon
- #abstractionscon
- @abstractionscon
- August 2016
- ~1,500 attendees
- Multidisciplinary
- Multi-track
- Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Abstractions brings together everyone involved in modern software development — designers, developers, DevOps, and community leaders — to teach, learn, and connect.