Building Better Teams Through Play

Jenny Bramble

  • Tags: play, teams, leadership
Saturday, August 15
Main Zoom Call

Agile teams work incredibly hard to drive software and processes forward. Sometimes we neglect the emotional side of our hard work, leaving teams brittle and less able to adapt and bend. How do we release tension and form the strong bonds that a good team needs to be successful? As children, we form strong bonds during recess or at play dates. As adults, we lose this sense of companionship and playfulness. Bring it back to your team with targeted fun activities that create a sense of mindfulness, improve skills, and are just downright enjoyable. Team building is the most difficult aspect of leadership--peer or otherwise. One of the best ways to facilitate team building is play! Jenny will present a method for team building outside of the norm in play time. She will show how events can be arranged, when to do them, and what the benefits are for play time--including stronger teams that work better together due to their powerful relationships between team members.